Saturday, January 13, 2007

Catchup again

I'd probably buy something from this kid. Like time shares.

Best picture ever?

My boys today at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles.

Picking noses

Feeding him to a bear

It took at least half a dozen tries to get this shot. He kept looking down. God!

This picture was my idea. Cause I'm so funny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my gawd!! This child is so cute!! I am so proud! I would also buy something... anything from him! Magazines? Time Shares, Salt? Used bubblegum? OK!! I'll take TWO!!! His eyes are captivating, beautiful!! Gawd, I am missing out on so much! sniff, sniff...

He's growing up before my eyes! I need to see him! I need to see him! I need to see him!

Does he know he has a Gramma in Denver who loves him?? When can he talk to me on the phone?? He wants to talk to me on the phone! Tell him to call his Gramma!

10:52 AM  

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