Thursday, September 15, 2005

This sleeper thing he's wearing was a bad idea. He got overheated and we spent a very frustrating night together figuring that out, from about 2:30 to 7:00 a.m. I was a zombie. Damned if he isn't gorgeous as hell in it, though.


I made a serious to-do list for the first time since I gave birth. This morning, while The Bug ate, I leaned over him and jotted down everything that needed to be done, in no particular order, just brainstormed all kinds of cleaning and organizational projects. Then, miraculously, after some playing and fussing, The Bug went down for a phenomenally long nap and I got a good number of the things on my list done, or at least enough so that people would notice. It's orgasmic, the crossing off of things.


The Bug spent the morning peeing everywhere but in his diaper, once for Mister Aran, once while on my lap, so that it looked like I had peed, and once while on his Ocean Wonders playmat. It's Houdini-esque, in a way of which I am too sleep-deprived to make sense.


Nighttime feedings are like labor pains without the pain. You have to keep on top of it or you fall under. If I don't do it right, I fall asleep in the chair and the whole night is fucked because I don't know where I am in the order of things when I wake. There has to be a definite feeding-burping-feeding-burping-changing-swaddling-feeding thing that happens so that after that last feeding he falls gently to sleep and goes down in his crib without a production. It's one of those things that I'm certain to master just before he decides he wants to sleep through the night.


With all we know about the world, it's still amazing to watch a kid learn that when he hits a toy with his hand, it makes a noise, and that he made it happen. And not just because he's mine. I don't harbor any notions that the kid is a genius. But when you see a kid take these gigantic leaps in growth, changing in looks and personality nearly every day, it's pretty incredible.


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