Today, The Bug got four more shots. He cried and I felt bad, but he calmed down fairly quickly after I got some Tylenol and milk into him.
Last night, the electricity went out. He was fine until his Lolo's cell phone rang, which startled him, then he freaked. He was screaming so hard, I could hear him in the garage. I nursed him then, too, but he didn't calm down so quickly. He hiccupped for a long time.
He's 18 pounds, 9.5 ounces. 95th percentile for weight, 75th for height (big improvement over his two-month appointment), and 90th percentile for his head. He has a big brain.
The doctor was very happy to see his two little teeth, and says he's ready to start eating some food. He got a little turkey on Thanksgiving and a few days earlier, I gave him sweet potatoes. Both times, he looked at me like I'd insulted him.
He figured out how to raspberry back at me, and now he does it when he's frustrated. It's hilarious. The spit is everywhere. It just cascades out of him.
He found his feet yesterday. Today he's touched them a few times. He seems to be counting his toes. I keep telling him they're all there, I've counted myself a hundred times, but he doesn't trust me.
Right now, he's in my lap sleeping. He has these bandaids on his thighs that look enormous. He's beautiful and brave.